Jan 29, 2021
Love is our greatest challenge and the largest most magnificent experience in life. It can be exhilarating and joyful, and the absence of love can be quite painful. What stories are you telling yourself about love? Are you stuck in old patterns and outworn stories? Do you really know when you are being unloving to yourself? It's time to Break Free and create a new LOVE STORY! Join Dr. Jean Marie Farish, LOVE LIGHT Host and author of Living in the Spirit of Love: Our Natural State of Being and Living In Love: Character and Philosophy of Henry Drummond. Dive in to learn more about the phenomenon of love. Become more aware with deep thought provoking insights to stimulate self-introspection and self-reflection. This show, Have a LOVE AFFAIR with yourself, will focus on the 'Recipe of Love', including the ingredients of love, to help you become more loving and authentic; and to find joy in who you are created to be.
Love Light inspires you to cultivate a lifestyle of living in the spirit of love, based on the premise of wholehearted connections through worthiness. Disempowering fear-based conditioning compels masses of people to live in the shadow of fear compounded with thoughts and feelings of not being good enough, undeserving and unworthy. Our thoughts and feelings about love affect all area of our lives. We are worthy and an empowered self is a loving self. My personal mission of altruistic and heart-centered living is grounded in the power of love to become authentic, overcome unworthiness, and transform our lives. You will gain a new perspective on the meaning of love, engage in authentic expressions of love and strengthen and embody the practice of love for yourself and others in your daily life. Our guests are an integral part of our show, and share their expertise, gifts and resources, Fridays at 9 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment.