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Nov 08, 2024

There is a divinely orchestrated plan to uplift humanity unfolding. You are NOT ALONE. Hold on to love, peace, faith and hope. Judy Satori tells the story of how her spiritual connections began. In 1997 she was contacted by Balthazar, one of the Magi and her adventures with Spirit began. The focus of her discussion with Dr. Jean Marie Farish is to help listeners understand that as human beings we are so much more than we know ourselves to be. Judy spontaneously began to speak the Languages of Light in 2002 and knows these to be the sacred languages of the soul, that we can all access and speak when our energy is at the correct frequency. For many years now Judy has been speaking various galactic translatable languages from different star systems, but her main focus is on transmitting divinely planned Codes of Light. These light codes from Source/God activate previously dormant aspects of our human DNA code to switch on and express. Judy's role with Spirit is to re-code the DNA and her work is part of the process of human evolutionary species upgrade called ASCENSION. In this session: -What does this time on the planet mean for us all and where is humanity heading? -Listen to Judy speak the Pleiadian, Sirian and the Aldebaran languages -Understand more about a 'Code of Light' and how listening to this will affect you -Learn to connect with 'God Mind' through the heart -Learn how to manifest and create a new reality for yourself -Energy transmissions for LOVE, PEACE, and HOPE FULFILLED