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Jul 24, 2020

Judy Satori speaks the Languages of Light energy frequencies from Source/God. This energy is designed to uplift humanity into a more expanded way of being and functioning in life. 'Ultralight' energy frequencies are received by the body at the level of the DNA code to 'switch on' previously dormant capacity, to enable us to function in a more expanded and optimal way. Although we are dealing with the challenges of a global pandemic, what is actually happening from a more expanded spiritual perspective is that we are individually and collectively as a species BREAKING THROUGH into a new way of being. Life as we know it is changing with grace. We are also moving through a divinely guided and supported process of ASCENSION, bringing renewed hope and new possibility. We are not alone. Judy will transmit energy LIVE on the show to support your new beginning and to begin to activate your true potential. It's time to be HAPPY and WELL and re-create our lives to a new more divine design.