Jul 26, 2022
Do people keep telling you you'll change your mind about having kids? Have you been told that your choice not to have children is selfish? Award-winning filmmaker Therese Shechter delves into the taboos surrounding childfree women and choice. From social and familial responses to those who choose to remain childfree, to the resistance of the medical community to provide legally and medically approved procedures for those who voluntarily choose sterilization, Therese addresses the gamut of childfree choices and experiences. Today we will discuss her latest documentary, “My So-Called Selfish Life”, which is a is a paradigm-shifting journey through one of our society’s greatest social taboos: choosing not to become a mother. We also celebrate the upcoming, international release of her film, which will stream everywhere, starting May 6th, on Mother's Day weekend. The opportunity to stream the film be available from May 6-16, 2022 To purchase your tickets, go to https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/my-so-called-selfish-life You also have the option to purchase tickets as gifts! Join us for this introspective, expert conversation and an audio preview of “My So-Called Selfish Life!” For additional information, visit https://trixiefilms.com today!
New Legacy Radio (NLR) is a social justice platform that amplifies the experiences, perspectives