Jun 27, 2023
Whether it is your own experience, or that of someone you know, the dismissal of symptoms, minimization of pain, failure to diagnose or incorrect diagnoses, and other medical oversight have caused often irreparable physical issues, and prolonged pain and symptoms, in the gynecological world. The high incidents and often...
Jun 20, 2023
In today’s episode we will celebrate women without children, who often remain overlooked against the backdrop of pronatalism, with respect to their talents, contributions and impact. We are fortunate to have with us two very talented writers, who are working to ensure that women without children are recognized...
Jun 13, 2023
Over the past year, through New Legacy Radio, New Legacy Institute has worked to provide a breadth of perspectives from thought leaders, activists, and members of our community, to create a platform of visibility and social justice for our collective community of people without children. We continue to assess...
Jun 06, 2023
How does the overturning of Roe v. Wade demonstrate the control and devaluation of those who are and may be impacted by pregnancy? What is at risk beyond abortion rights and access in the United States, and what is the global impact of this decision, as precedent? Today, we are deeply honored to be in conversation with...
New Legacy Radio (NLR) is a social justice platform that amplifies the experiences, perspectives