Dec 05, 2023
Tune in for the first episode in New Legacy Radio's History series! People without children have always existed, and as our demographic grows, it is important to see ourselves reflected throughout history, and to recognize the valued lives and contributions of those who never had children. As our community becomes...
Nov 28, 2023
Despite the deeply personal nature of our reproductive experiences, women in particular, continue to face external restrictions, limiting or erasing our rights to bodily autonomy. For women without children, there is further backlash, ranging from a lack of social acceptance to outright harassment on social media,...
Oct 31, 2023
What are the current implications of pronatalism for people without children, collectively and globally? How do extremist actors influence pronatalist agendas, reproductive rights and what is the social impact on our community? In today’s episode we will focus on some of the current and urgent realities facing us, and...
Oct 17, 2023
The Dobbs decision in the United States has created ripple effects of grave consequences for access to abortion, and beyond. What was is like before the Roe v. Wade decision, and what are the current realities? How do the expectations and experiences around access to abortion differ from generation to generation? State...
Sep 26, 2023
Today we celebrate International Childfree Day. In reflecting on what this day means for so many in our collective community, we also want to acknowledge the history and advocacy, behind the origins of this day, and the transition to becoming what it is today. The National Organization for Non-Parents (NON), later...