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Aug 07, 2019

When Karen Stefano was attacked on her way home at 19 years old, those moments led to fear; of footsteps behind her and of the dark. Only later would she understand that she carried the imprint of her attack with her. When her life felt, again, uncertain, the symptoms returned and she knew that only if she faced her early experience head-on would she be able to move forward. But how would she make sense of the impact on her life? How would she come to understand why she'd become a defense attorney, advocating for people who had committed acts like her attacker's? How would she come to terms with the way her body remembered and re-experienced that terrible moment? In the end, her exploration would teach her that her freedom came in being willing to face what she had worked so hard to walk away from. And she would come to understand that in facing her own trauma, she found a voice to help others.