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Jul 28, 2021

When Emily Threatt's first husband died, she didn't anticipate ever marrying again. But then, as sometimes happens with life's twists and turns, she fell in love. Her experience when her second husband died was different from that first loss and she began to think we can actually get better at grief, that we learn...

Jul 21, 2021

It was a day in the life of a talented entrepreneur and her family. The kids were headed off to games and an audition, set to showcase their talents. The adults were their chauffeurs and cheerleaders. And then, into this beautiful day came the gunman, an antisemitic assailant to stole the lives of three people. Two of...

Jul 07, 2021

There is a comfort in growing up in a cult; believing absolutely in whatever we are taught, giving members a framework for all the difficulties in life. But for many, there is a terrible price to pay; suspending our own capacity to process information and determine our own truth, denying evident contradictions,...