Sep 30, 2016
The last Friday of every month Ed and Ron will do “Free-Rider Friday.” Most of our shows are “topic” driven, where we dive deep into one subject. Free-Rider Fridays are designed to be “event” driven, whatever issues are in the news that we -or you- find worthy of commentary. In economics, free riding means reaping the benefits from the actions of others and consequently refusing to bear the full costs of those actions. This means Ed and Ron will free ride off of the news, and each other, with no advanced knowledge of the events either will bring up. If you’d like to call-in during the live show, the listener line is: 866-472-5790.
The Soul of Enterprise is designed to champion the insight that wealth is created by intellectual capital, a product of the inexhaustible human spirit. Wealth is above all an accumulation of possibilities. These possibilities lie hidden in the womb of the future, waiting to be discovered by human imagination, ingenuity, and creativity, manifested in free enterprises dedicated to the service of others. Tune in to The Soul of Enterprise, with Ron Baker and Ed Kless, broadcast live every Friday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Influencers Channel and 1 PM Pacific Time, on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.