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Dec 27, 2024

 People without a place to tell their story and a person to listen to it never come into possession of themselves. Discovery Ministries was founded in 1974 in Westville, NJ. Since then over 30,000 youth, young adults, and family members have participated in spiritual retreats in an atmosphere of love and acceptance that have helped them grow, pursue their dreams, and develop their  talents and gifts. During 2011-12, the Discovery Retreat House was renovated to expand their mission. The renovated house provides handicap access to retreat participants and also serves as a “home away from home” for special needs and chronically ill children and adults and their families. These respite retreats and guest days provide families with opportunities to reconnect with each other, emotionally and spiritually – and enjoy themselves as well! 


MSGR. MICHAEL T. MANNION, S.T.L., M.A.  is the Director of Community Relations for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey.  Ordained to the Priesthood in 1971, Msgr. Mannion is a pioneer in the field of post-abortion healing, having authored some of the first and finest books on the topic, including Abortion and Healing – A Cry to Be Whole (1986).  He has conducted training for clergy and lay professionals throughout the world on this topic. His work has helped to develop the Church’s understanding of the wounds abortion brings and of the path to healing.  His ministry inspired Dr. Theresa Burke to focus on the topic of healing after abortion and to develop the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat program, now the world’s largest ministry for postabortion healing. Msgr. Mannion is now developing a new line of thought linking the path of healing with the traditional schools of spirituality in the Church. Msgr. Mannion has served as a Cable News Network commentator for the funeral of Mother Teresa, with whom he had the privilege of working.  His many other media appearances include Meet the Press, the Charlie Rose Show, and MSNBC. He holds advanced degrees in theology, Scripture, and youth ministry. His work also involved ministering to law enforcement personnel and their families, and in that arena has been able to apply his insights into healing the wounds of trauma.