Aug 25, 2023
Millennials are currently the largest cohort (35%) in the work force. Law enforcement leaders must determine how millennials and post -millennials differ from past generations and adapt their talent development efforts, leadership styles, policies, and systems accordingly. Join Chris Eklund, an Exercise...
Aug 18, 2023
Erik N. Eltz was hired as a police officer in 2003 in New York State. He’s taken assignments with Anti-Crime Units focused on addressing gun violence and spent over 12 years as a SWAT Operator starting as the primary mechanical breacher and eventually rose to the position of Assistant Team Commander. Erik attended...
Aug 11, 2023
With violent encounters on the rise for officers today, Kyle Shoberg's Podcast SHOTS FIRED is a complement to his LEO program designed to provide law enforcement with skills needed to survive a critical incident relating to an officer involved shooting as well as being able to prepare for such an encounter mentally...
Aug 04, 2023
Dustin Konkal is a 19-year veteran fire fighter/paramedic turned visionary leader for one of the largest populated cities in South Florida. Having received special commendations and named fireman of the year in 2015, Dustin currently serves as a Battalion Chief. In 2013 his vision for a SWAT medic program became a...
We are elite professionals challenging leaders in all walks of life to reach inside their personal intestinal fortitude creating success techniques during turbulent times developing a FEARLESS CLIMATE!