Jan 31, 2020
Jared Nichols says “Like every story, there's always another side to consider. This is especially true when it comes to the future, a story that is still being written. Each of us still has a role to play in this story of the future, and when that role is fulfilled, the future could look very different”. So what are...
Jan 24, 2020
In a world that rotates at 1000mph, sometimes we feel the need to think equally as fast! However, this can often cause stressful and unproductive situations. Bob Kulhan has spent the last two decades linking improvisation to business through the behavioral sciences. Bob is an elite improv actor as well as an Adjunct...
Jan 17, 2020
Tom Eddington has worked for three decades in business as a consultant, educator, entrepreneur, and strategic advisor. He is a student and teacher of board, leadership, and organizational effectiveness – focusing on how companies grow, achieve, and sustain effectiveness whilst remaining stewards for...
Jan 10, 2020
In today's noisy marketplace, it's crucial you find ways to get noticed. But do you shy away from the spotlight for fear of feeling like an idiot or looking like a show-off? Do you see others out there, attracting the kind of attention you wish you could get? Penny Haslam has enjoyed a successful career in...
Nov 30, 2018
Are you a leader, entrepreneur or coach who is interested in deepening your relationship with your authentic self? This is a question Hilary Wilson has been exploring for the last 30 years. Hilary is an executive coach/ professional speaker who specialises in supporting leaders to embrace their vulnerability, let go...