Dec 29, 2017
Would you like to win more business? Are you letting countless opportunities pass you by due to a fear of being too pushy? Whether you are a sales person or in a non-sales role, we all have to sell. During this interview, I will be talking with Phil M Jones, best-selling author, multiple award-winner and one of the...
Dec 22, 2017
How do leaders expand their capacity and consciousness to play their role in dealing with complex changes that are impacting our planet’s future? Simon is Co-Managing Partner of Leaders’ Quest based in London. He works with global companies and institutions to make the transformational change required to meet...
Dec 15, 2017
Ever feel more challenged dealing with your kids than you do by employees and clients at work? Being a parent can seem like a hard job when the world of work is also demanding. As parents we are constantly reminded about our behaviour and need for patience. Skills that are also valuable back into the work place! Also...
Dec 08, 2017
It has often been said that you should follow your passion and then make a living out of it. However, there are also arguments that this isn't always wise! Having a regular job with a regular income may offer you and your family more security. The world is also littered with failed business stories. Do you stay or do...
Dec 01, 2017
Introverts aren't comfortable with traditional tactics like aggressively pushing a product or talking over a customer's objections. However, sales is a skill anyone can learn and master--and introverts are especially good at it once they learn how to leverage their natural strengths. Called “the real deal”...