Nov 06, 2024
Children sometime remind us of angels. In fact, as adults, we might even ask a child to “be an angel” and do something for us. Is it because many children carry more of that angelic demeanor than adults? Or, is it because they are closer to the heavenly realms from where they came? Could it be also that they are often closer to their angels than many adults are? Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura and find out about the relationships children have with their angels and why so many adults seem to lose that connection. Learn what you can do to restore more of the relationship you have with your angels!
Are you ready to take your next step? Living The Miracle will empower you to do so. Wake-up to the joy-filled, limitless life you are meant to live! Discover how to live the miracle of spirit. If you’ve suspected that there’s a deeper meaning to your life than what the world offers you, you will find answers here. You will learn simple, yet, powerful psychic tools to help you live a more intuitive, spirit-centered life and fulfill your soul’s purpose in this world. The time to think yourself into a pretzel and be confused is past. Have certainty in yourself. You are the light of the world. Use your innate ability to see clearly and discern truth from illusion. Live by intuition. It’s your direct line to your innermost knowing and the only way to discover your true purpose. It’s time to erase doubt with kindness, and replace effort, resistance and competition with grace. Live as the bright, creative and powerful being that you are, both in this world and beyond it.