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Oct 30, 2024

Had any messages from your angels recently? You might even say that they’re texts from heaven! Ever ask your angels a question, but you’re not sure whether you got their answers or not? Would you like some help in Angel Messaging? If you do, be sure to tune-in to this live call-in episode of Living The Miracle with...

Oct 23, 2024

Have you ever wondered whether you’re being helped by an angel or by one of your spirit guides? Is there a difference between an angel and a spirit guide working with you? What is the purpose for you to have an angel or a spirit guide? Do you have both? Does everyone? Tune-in to this episode of Living The Miracle...

Oct 16, 2024

Have you talked to your angels today? If you haven’t, you might be missing an important part of your daily communications, guidance, and, even, debriefing from Spirit. Anyone who has ever run a business or managed a staff of an organization would know how essential daily communication is with those who are...

Oct 09, 2024

Ever been saved by an angel from a sure disaster? Angels have been known to show up for people young and old to prevent them from messing up their lives. They might keep you from boarding a plane that’s destined to crash or even nudge you to reconsider your relationship that is throwing you off of your true path. Why...

Oct 02, 2024

What if an angel saved your life? What if that happened 8 times? What if an angel pointed out to you as a child who you would marry when you grew up? What would you do, if an angel told you that you will write a book that would change many people’s lives - even if they just held the book? All of that and so much more...