May 29, 2024
Want to live a more joy-filled life? Of course, you do! Who wouldn’t? Is it hard to be joyful in life? If it were easy, wouldn’t many more people be joyful most of the time? Why do we see so few people in the world that are truly joyful most of the time? So, what is the secret to living such a life? How do you find...
May 22, 2024
You might be way more psychic than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, most people who are interested in being psychic struggle because they don’t realize how psychic they already are and they overlook or ignore all the ways they are being psychic. The question isn’t about making yourself more psychic - it’s about...
May 15, 2024
Have you felt stuck about something in your life? In your job? In a relationship? About your health? Your family? Finances? How about in your spiritual growth? To set yourself free from whatever is troubling you, you need to get to the truth of the matter. No matter what the problem is, see the truth and you’ll set...
Are you ready to take your next step? Living The Miracle will empower you to do so. Wake-up to the joy-filled, limitless life you are meant to live! Discover how to live the miracle of spirit. If you’ve suspected that there’s a deeper meaning to your life than what the world offers you, you will find answers here. You will learn simple, yet, powerful psychic tools to help you live a more intuitive, spirit-centered life and fulfill your soul’s purpose in this world. The time to think yourself into a pretzel and be confused is past. Have certainty in yourself. You are the light of the world. Use your innate ability to see clearly and discern truth from illusion. Live by intuition. It’s your direct line to your innermost knowing and the only way to discover your true purpose. It’s time to erase doubt with kindness, and replace effort, resistance and competition with grace. Live as the bright, creative and powerful being that you are, both in this world and beyond it.