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Feb 28, 2024

We sleep for a third of our lives. If we live to 81, that’s 27 years we sleep through! Sleep is crucial for the body to stay alive, but where do you go and what do you do when your body sleeps? Just because your body is sleeping doesn’t mean that you have to be unconscious during a third of your life. In fact, as...

Feb 21, 2024

Do you love animals? Can you communicate with them? What does communicating with animals have to do with your spiritual development? Communication has everything to do with all relationships and your relationships with animals are no exception. And, the more you learn to communicate with animals, the more you discover a...

Feb 14, 2024

Dear Awakening Soul, How IS your Love Life? Some awakening souls are happily partnered-up with each other but for many of you it’s a bit different, isn’t it, when it comes to your love life? If your main interest in life isn’t about waking up to your own truth, you’d have already found someone you’d love to be...

Feb 07, 2024

Are you living a spiritual life? You know that there’s a lot more to life than what meets your eyes in this world. Yet, what is that part of your life that you intuit, but can’t intellectually assess as you might your house, relationships or work? What is it that, in the quiet moment of self-reflection, you long...