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Jun 21, 2023

Did you know that you needed to make time for yourself to find your space to be here in this world? Since you are a limitless and eternal being, but the world in which you are incarnated is defined by both time and space, the only way you can fully live and be joyous here is by making enough time for you to find your...

Jun 14, 2023

Winston Churchill wrote, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Throughout history statesmen, philosophers, authors, scholars, and others have voiced that same astute observation-cum-warning in a multitude of ways. Fortunately, contained within that saying is part of the solution to...

Jun 07, 2023

What do you do whenever you hit the proverbial brick wall in your life? Do you see it as an immovable or an insurmountable obstacle? Or do you see it as an exciting new challenge to overcome in your life? Perhaps, you are one of the rare individuals who can see such an unexpected seeming dead-end as a golden opportunity...