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Apr 19, 2023

TLC. When did you last give yourself some Tender Loving Care? When was the last time you gave your psychic self—your soul—some TLC? Yes, a day at the spa, a massage, or soaking in a hot bath are all great ways to relax the body and recharge. But, how about the most important part of you and your life? What does TLC...

Apr 12, 2023

Have you ever felt like your life has been the “same old, same old” for a while and you needed to create something new? That’s actually a good thing—it just means that you’re done with what you’ve already created and you’re ready for a new step. But all creating happens in the present, not the past of the...

Apr 05, 2023

Are you shining your light brightly in this world or do you tend to want to hide it? Do you regularly say “hello” to the light that you are and acknowledge how brilliant you are? Or, do you ignore yourself as that light unless you’re in a crisis? When you speak to others, do you see the light that they are? Or are...