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Mar 29, 2023

Liar, liar, pants on fire! You probably don’t think of yourself as a big liar, but if you at times fall into that trap of believing that you are in some way not enough, then you are lying to yourself. That’s The Big Lie in pretty much everyone’s life—until it’s not. If you are spirit in nature, you can’t be...

Mar 22, 2023

Do you know who in your family you have spiritual contracts with as souls? What kinds of contracts have you made with them? Do you have any karmic cycles to resolve from prior lifetimes with anyone in your family? What can you do to resolve those contracts? Tune-in to this powerful episode of Living The Miracle with...

Mar 15, 2023

Did you know that healing yourself from some of what you experience as problems, conditions, or even illnesses showing up in your body or in your life may also require healing your family and others in your life? Did you know, too, that as you heal yourself, each member of your family benefits from that healing? Healing...

Mar 08, 2023

It’s beginning to look like Christmas! And it’s a great time to remind yourself exactly what you’re celebrating, when you are decorating your tree and cooking and shopping for gifts for your loved ones. Yes, you already know that Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of the Christ in the world. Yet, do...

Mar 01, 2023

Do you ever meditate? Do you think that means you have to turn yourself into a pretzel or burn incense and chant OM? Those tools might help some people to meditate, but, it’s whenever you talk with your inner self that you might be meditating. Meditation is getting into communication with your inner self, the real...