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Jan 25, 2023

Happy New Year! Out with the old, in with the new. It’s time to clear the deck and create anew. So, what’s in your vision for this new year of your life? New beginnings are exciting, but they can be a bit scary as well. It requires you to dig deeper into your inner well of creativity and start creating! Don’t know...

Jan 18, 2023

Ever felt like you were up against an immovable wall? Whatever the situation is, it seems that there’s nothing you can do about it or that nothing is working. What do you do when that happens? Simple. Just create a miracle! Tune-in to this fun and creative episode of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle...

Jan 11, 2023

Have you ever been joyful for no apparent reason at all? Can you rejoice, just because? It’s long been said that “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”. But is it possible instead to rejoice when the going gets particularly difficult—like it has been in the world currently? You bet it is! And not only...

Jan 04, 2023

Do you know what the difference is between meditation and prayer? Both practices are essential to your well being, fulfillment, peace, and happiness, whether you consider yourself spiritual or religious. Without these practices, you may not be able to reach your true destiny of freedom, enlightenment, and...