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Feb 26, 2016

In his Jan. 2015 State of the City address, Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia announced that he wanted to make Long Beach a model of a climate resilient city. He asked the Aquarium of the Pacific to take a lead in assessing the primary threats that climate change poses to the city, to identify the most vulnerable neighborhoods and segments of the population, and to provide a preliminary assessment of options to reduce those vulnerabilities. The Aquarium has released a report detailing assessments of the five main threats of climate change to our community (drought, extreme heat, sea level rise and coastal flooding, deteriorating air quality, and public health and social vulnerability), and providing recommendations on actions and steps the city can take to make Long Beach a model of a climate resilient city. Given the City’s size, population demographics, infrastructure, geographical location, and regional economic impact, it has the opportunity to become a model of resiliency.