Aug 18, 2017
This summer, two Granite Gear sponsored Minnesotan adventurers, Paul Twedt and Michael Anderson, aim to remove trash from 1200 miles of Minnesota rivers: the Namekagon/St. Croix, Minnesota and Mississippi. Twedt and Anderson founded Adventure Stewardship Alliance and represent the organization’s mission of acting as stewards of our public waterways, inspiring a deeper sense of connection and care for natural environments and public waterways. They believe litter isn’t one person’s problem, it’s everyone’s problem, and they aim to make an impact on that issue. The team is currently paddling the Minnesota River, the second river clean-up of their Three Rivers Expedition. Since beginning on July 3rd near Ortonville, Minnesota at Big Stone Lake, the duo has paddled more than 65 miles and removed over 350 pounds of trash. The expedition will conclude in October as the team paddles and cleans up the Mississippi river along its first 600 miles in Minnesota.
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