Nov 12, 2023
Listen in as we interview Lee Romaire about Five Nights at Freddy’s in Real Life, Tom Bancroft about Pencils vs Pixels, Eugenio Derbe about Radical, and Robert Marianetti and David Wachtenheim about Leo plus we review A Haunting in Venice and Stephen Curry: Underrated. Hosted by Kyla C. is joined by Daniel, Mikella, Sydney, Hanadie, Zoe and Madeleine. Before you spend your hard earned dollars at the movies or on digital entertainment, check out what our real kids have to say about it.
KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions is a weekly radio show hosted by the KIDS FIRST! Film Critics, 60 youth, ages 8 to 21 from across the country. They review the latest films, interview celebrities, and give you insight into upcoming new films, TV shows and Digital media. The KIDS FIRST! Film Critics are a nationwide team of 60 plus youth entertainment reporters, ages 8 to 21, who attend press screenings, press junkets, premieres and red carpets and other media events. They give you the latest news about media for kids, by kids. Before your spend your hard earned money at the movies, listen to what we have to say. KIDS FIRST! Film Critics is a project of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media, a national, nonprofit (501-c-3) organization founded in 1991 whose mission is to teach kids to critically select media that’s suitable, enjoyable and fun. Listen to KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions every Sunday at 4 PM Pacific Time on the Voice America Empowerment Channel.