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Nov 30, 2021

This week’s Next Steps Forward guest is Michelle Elman, a five-board accredited life coach who is best known for her campaign Scarred Not Scared. Named one of The Sun’s 50 most inspirational women in the United Kingdom and a prolific speaker whose TedX talk has been viewed more than 65,000 times, Michelle speaks with program host Chris Meek about her new book “The Joy of Being Selfish: Why You Need Boundaries and How to Set Them,” the importance of creating boundaries in order to teach others how we would like to be treated, and just how to go about setting boundaries with family, romantic partners, friends and co-workers. In addition to speaking about her book, Michelle will also provide a look into her work as a life coach, her own challenges she has had to overcome throughout her life and her work advocating for representation of people with scars. This informational and inspirational hour will leave viewers with a better sense of how to be selfish by setting boundaries without feeling guilty and how to rid your life of drama and toxic relationships.