Dec 28, 2021
Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who represents Iowa's Second Congressional District, was elected to her first term in 2020 by one of the closest margins in United States history: six votes out of 394,625 cast. The Congresswoman - who is also a 24-year Army veteran, ophthalmologist and the former Iowa Department of Public Health director - joins program host Chris Meek on Next Steps Forward to speak about her historic win and how she has already used her elected position to create positive policy. The Congresswoman will also speak about how she cultivated the tenacity and perseverance she displayed after losing her first three Congressional campaigns before finally being elected last year, the issues she is focused on while serving on the Education and Labor, Homeland Security and Veterans' Affairs committees, and how to encourage more women to run for office. Pulling from her background as a physician, she will reflect on what we have gotten right and what we have gotten wrong in our approach to handling the coronavirus pandemic. The grit, determination and resolve in Congresswoman Miller-Meeks' life story will resonate with the audience because it is a story that truly exemplifies what it means to live out the American Dream.
Personal empowerment, commitment to our own well-being and the motivation to achieve more than we ever thought possible are the ingredients of a better life. And, they’re all within our reach. Next Steps Forward with Dr. Chris Meek delves into the keys to adding energy, excitement, direction and purpose to everything that we do. The program hosts mental health advocates and medical experts, frontline voices on human trafficking and social justice issues, familiar faces from the worlds of entertainment and sports, and leading entrepreneurs to engage in thought-provoking discussions that inspire the audience to take their own next steps forward to better themselves and their communities. Next Steps Forward is intended to be a source of empowerment that many around the world are in need of now more than ever. For guests who join the program, Chris cultivates a space where honest, quality conversations thrive and are not only meant to educate and inform but inspire action, introspection and a deeper understanding of the world around us. Next Steps Forward with Dr. Chris Meek is an informative, uplifting hour every Tuesday at 1 PM Eastern Time/10 AM Pacific Time that’s certain to inspire you to take that important next step forward, too.