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Oct 31, 2023

We often miss vital signals that can help us better prepare for life's surprises. We very often focus on the wrong things and do not see the things we should. But there is one thing that can help us see better, and that is trust. Trust presence cements relationships by allowing people to live and work together,...

Oct 24, 2023

In today’s digital age, having a strong and effective online presence is crucial for small and medium-sized businesses. In this episode, we will explore how these businesses enhance their digital presence to reach their target audience in a competitive online space. We discuss the importance of having a...

Oct 17, 2023

We all think we know what accountability is but very often, we mix up the words accountability, responsibility, answerability, obligation, and many others. We often use these words in the same context and relate the meaning to forced or given tasks rather than inner motivation or drive. Instead, we should discuss...

Oct 03, 2023

Microsoft launches a new AI tool, and Google strikes back. AI bots on social media compete with each other, fighting for prevalent places in our lives. AI touches almost every aspect of our lives, but it is most prevalent in media. From content generation to digital advertising targeting, it learns from how we behave...