Jun 21, 2022
We live in a world where change and transformation are the new normal, but sometimes we make decisions and go about change as we have always done. Today have more data and information available than we have ever had in the past, but we do not always use it when making decisions or initiating change. When it comes...
Jun 14, 2022
When executives speak about diversity, you often hear them say, yes we are good at meeting our targets around diversity. But diversity is not about numbers; it is about fostering a culture of innovation from a mix of people with different experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds where they can contribute to achieving...
Jun 07, 2022
On 21 of February, started aggression that all of us thought may happen but never really believed would happen. Russia attacked Ukraine, an independent democratic country. In the week following, the world changed, and so did the lives of millions of people. In this episode, we talk with a family that fled Ukraine. They...
Leadership Beyond Borders explores how constant change impacts organizations and leadership needed for success. We discuss challenges in diverse teams, leadership skills for engagement, and cultural values. Gain insights and tips to thrive in today’s global business world.