Jun 29, 2021
The recent announcement of a massive computer breach that allowed hackers to exploit numerous US government agencies left the US government and the world in shock. The hackers attached malware to a software update which gave them access to government networks and private company systems, putting infrastructures, data,...
Jun 22, 2021
We live in a global economy and a multi-cultural world and being culturally adaptable is becoming ever more critical. It does not matter if you call it cultural intelligence, adaptiveness, or sensitivity; you must have some attributes that make you culturally agile to be a successful professional. Being culturally agile...
Jun 15, 2021
As usual, brands must consider their target audience when developing their messages, and this expectation is intensifying as consumers place greater emphasis on brands' actions. People relate to positive messages around social issues such as the environment, coronavirus safety, and systemic racism; therefore, how a...
Jun 08, 2021
Truly successful individuals and leaders recognize that they cannot always have the answer themselves and that it is unrealistic for any one person to be the expert on everything. Truly great leaders, though, understand that they may not have to be the answer themselves. They merely need to be the catalyst for others...
Jun 01, 2021
On December 31, 1999, the world was in a panic related to the formatting and storage of calendar data for 2000. Even though we had years to prepare for this, we still waited until the last minute, and 21 years later, there is another panic. Businesses are wondering what will happen when Google changes to...