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Jun 25, 2019

Coaching has developed over the years when it used to be considered a from of “punishment” it is now considered a necessary “performance enhancer”. Top CEO’s are proud to say they have coaches, just like top athletes always have. Businesses also need coaches. In today’s global and competitive economy, having...

Jun 18, 2019

There is increase worldwide in High Conflict Personalities (HPC). Is it the media, the extreme competition, the global economy, video games and movies or a combination of all of the above? It sometimes seems that HPC, narcissistic and sociopathic behaviours are dominating our boardrooms and the political arena, but we...

Jun 11, 2019

Hyperconnected and digitally charged organizations have become the norm today, and this has brought with it new challenges. The rules for conducting business have changed and managing constant change is a necessity in our already a volatile and ambiguous world. From dealing with a global economy to changing consumer...

Jun 04, 2019

Globalization is very often thought of as a new phenomenon, but it isn't. It is simply the contact between diverse individuals and it actually began when prehistoric wandering tribes settled and integrated themselves into more stable tribal environments. Digitalization- what is that? It will be a tremendous...