Jan 12, 2024
Brian sits down with Colorado CD3 candidate Russ Andrews to discuss his campaign and why he is running for Congress. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert recently announced that she will not seek reelection in CD3 but instead run in CD4. To learn more about Russ Andrews visit: https://www.russ4cd3.com Action 22 does not endorse candidates. All members of Action 22 currently running for office have an open invitation to appear on Making Action Happen to discuss the issues and policies of their candidacy. The views and opinions expressed on Making Action Happen are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Action 22. Visit us at: https://makingactionhappen.com https://www.action22.org Email us at: show@action22.org
Making Action Happen is a show about the Action22 members and communities. The show introduces you to Colorado community leaders, elected officials, and individuals to gain perspective on their ideas and experiences. While Action22 works on public policy from the rural space, we explore which perspectives are driven by political party lines and which ones are not. Specifically, we focus on and discuss topics that have ongoing and immediate impact on our communities, and by extension other communities like ours. The purpose is to help you find insight and solutions relevant to what you are working on, regardless of where you are in the world.