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Dec 14, 2022

I have done several shows related to Veterans. Most recently a show that divulged and revealed that Veterans are currently being murdered in their beds, within the confines of Veterans Hospitals?? You can find out more about this by going to: There is another travesty within this realm and that is the unknown fact that currently 1.7 million Veterans are homeless in this land of plenty Yes we have many who forsaken their civilian status, underwent training, picked up a weapon and went off to a foreign battlefield to defend the rights of other nations whose FREEDOMS were being threatened to be destroyed and out of existence. Today, I am joined by a Veteran who has in the center of his heart the passion to see to it that indeed his fellow soldiers do have a roof over their heads and while he is a Mortgage Broker and his expertise is in securing the financing necessary to secure a home for a Veteran, he is also in relationship with others who are like minded and are seeking to begin to decrease, if not totally eliminate that 1.7 million figure of homeless Veterans on the streets of America. As we move into this Christmas Season, which is a time of joy, family, friend and Good Will Towards Men, we reminded that we should not overlook those who are in tremendous NEED and seek to DO something about it. This and other arena's of the Veteran World will be covered on this show today and you don't want to miss it!