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May 31, 2023

Make no mistake about it. I am Pro Life. I have two wonderful son's from my first marriage and now 4 beautiful grandchildren from my two son's fabulous wives. Life is precious. It's a gift from God! There is a lot of hoopla going on out there over the recent Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v Wade and America is in turmoil once again, especially with the 2024 elections coming up faster than anyone can imagine. Through all this smoke it seems that the personage who really is most overlooked in the birth process, the child is lost in the dust of personal choice that many times results in the destruction of a life before its even presented to this world. I have said all this as a preface because my guest today was birthed into this world and with a disability of having no legs. Modern technology today , via ultrasound would have discovered this prior to the baby being born and in today's vernacular this child could have been aborted because it was defective, inferior or downright not what was contemplated or envisioned. Well get ready to meet Dave Stevens who is not just an overcomer but significantly succeeded at most everything he ever attempted and largely in the arena of competitive sports both at collegiate and professional levels of involvement. Dave's disability did not stop him, it propelled him to greater heights than anyone I am sure could have believed he could achieve. I for one would have liked to have met the parent of Dave Stevens to shake their hands and congratulate them on their foresight that saw in this child greatness that others would have marginalized or even eliminated. Join me today as we speak to Dave Stevens who can truthfully proclaim, that he has a life that has been well lived!