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Nov 30, 2022

Some years back, after CA had undergone some of most horrendous natural and unnatural disasters, the local paper headline read, Fires, Floods, Earthquakes . . . What's Next? Enter MEC! Minimum Essential Coverage! Politicians LOVE using acrostics. Remember when it was Washington, DC or even NYC and so went the nation? Well now it seems, that CA is now the potential Tsunami that has risen up and taken the stance that CA will do things it's OWN way and seek to influence the nation! Remember when our former President, eliminated the Obamacare Minimum Tax IF you didn't have health insurance coverage you were penalized to the tune of $1000? Well, its back in CA And that's not all now. IF you don't have your Medical Core Plan configured as NOW the CA Legislature has decreed, you are looking at a close to $3000 penalty fine/penalty, per employee for your lack of knowledge. The pattern is there. The results are obvious. CA is Revenue Hungry and the target is Small Businesses who are caught off guard! When Obamacare passed, 400,000 Health Insurance Agents nationally lost their jobs! They used to be your advocates! They would seek to not only protect you but to keep you INFORMED! Today, my guest is ON TOP of this newest move of our illustrious Governor Newsom and his legislative henchmen and we will delve into what they now consider ESSENTIAL (there's that word again), not only in this state but it seems that it could spread to others as well. You don't want to miss this show . . unless you feel like its ESSENTIAL on your part to be donating to governmental coffers! Oh by the way, my guest has a solution to all of this as well. In fact, his company used to avoid the CA marketplace like the plague. Now, he is is engaged and making a HUGE difference in protecting your checkbook. I think you should hear what is has to say and see this show as ESSENTIAL, don't you?