Dec 06, 2023
Welcome to BizZness BuzZ! .Theheartbeatofsmallbusinessrevival!Jointhemagneticduo,FrankHelringandNinondeVeredeRosa,LIVEveryWednesdayat10amPSTonVoiceAmericaBusinessChannelforanunmissableeditionofBizZne Watch. In the relentless battle against e-commerce giants, small businesses yearn for a lifeline. Meet the powerhouses, Frank and Ninon, on a mission to fortify small businesses through unity, relationships, and reciprocity. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 upheaval, they're here to breathe new life into your operations and catapult your business platform to greater heights. This week, brace yourself for a game-changer: Joseph Stimac, the virtuoso in competency-based selection and human capital management. Architect of AccuHire HCMS, Joseph is reshaping recruitment, revolutionizing everything from screening to interview tracking. His tech brilliance, coupled with bestselling titles like Winning Career Strategies, positions him as the go-to expert in top conferences. Joseph isn't just transforming industries; he's an educator, refining interview techniques for recruiters and hiring managers. His client roster reads like a who's who, including Hallmark Cards, StorageTek, and the U.S. Department of Defense. With a background in Biology, Joseph offers a fresh perspective, making him a must-listen for the future BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch – Your pathway to business resurgence starts here!.Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller
BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound. Small business needs a “counter” to these Ecommerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption. Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.