Dec 28, 2022
Today is a show to shall we say round out the year? Normally a show like this one would be to summarize 2022 and look forward to 2023, with great anticipation, right? Well, you would be partially right but extensively wrong because this show is about an impending industrial revolution from one of the biggest continents on this planet. This continent is Africa! Let's approach this subject matter to peak your interest levels to click on this show and get out a notepad. First of all, let me ask you this question? How wealthy would you be IF you controlled 60 percent of the assets/resources of this planet? Goes without saying. You will would be not a Trillionaire but a Gazillionaire! Now, let's take it one step further, if you looked down at your P&L at year end and found out that your GDP penetration was less than 3 percent of the entire global economy and your operational costs of financing were 4 times higher than any other nation, what would you do to reverse that course? Well, today, my guest is not only a very talented professional basketball player but an advocate for Africa and fastly becoming a spokesperson who intends to right the wrongs and elevate the levels of economic prosperity and increased standards of living that his continent truly deserves. Join me today as we will pull back the curtain on the so called dark continent of Africa, which is on the verge of the creation of the next generation of potential Rockefellers, J Paul Getty's and yes Dale Carnegies but doing it African style!
BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound. Small business needs a “counter” to these Ecommerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption. Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.