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Jun 29, 2022

Have you ever thought or envisioned the possibility of YOU being YOUR own Bank? Enough said, Tune in and find out how!

Jun 22, 2022

There is an old saying and it's found in the Bible, the best selling book in the history of the world and in reading it as I do on a daily basis, this Proverbs 15:22, jumped off the page at me. Proverbs 15:22, In the multitude of counselors, there is wisdom. The definition of wisdom is very simple its called...

Jun 15, 2022

Home Ownership, every person's dream! Here in America we probably are the world's leader in our citizenry being able to purchase and hopefully evenutually fully own the roof over their heads. I remember when I first started out with an apartment, 2 Bedroom that ran, now don't faint, $125 per month. Moving out of that...

Jun 08, 2022

If you are an avid listener of my show you know that word MODA because it flows out of my mouth at the onset of every show and at commercial break you are exposed once again to MODA with their 30 second spots. They are without a doubt one of the most prolific forward thinking platforms for Small BizZne$$ across the...

Jun 01, 2022

Restaurants are the most embattled market in America today. COVID19 has caused the greatest disruption of business in their history! We will explore the here and now and the future that is on the horizon