Dec 28, 2022
Today is a show to shall we say round out the year? Normally a show like this one would be to summarize 2022 and look forward to 2023, with great anticipation, right? Well, you would be partially right but extensively wrong because this show is about an impending industrial revolution from one of the biggest continents...
Dec 21, 2022 has done it again! When you have the opportunity to revisit through their relationships your past and especially what you experienced within that past, well that this is an experience that is not only memorable but breath taking. Today on my show I am joined by two Hollywood Stars. Patrick...
Dec 14, 2022
I have done several shows related to Veterans. Most recently a show that divulged and revealed that Veterans are currently being murdered in their beds, within the confines of Veterans Hospitals?? You can find out more about this by going to: There is another travesty within this realm and that is...
Dec 07, 2022
There is an old saying in business . . .Never Burn A Bridge. This is a short version of NEVER forsake a RELATIONSHIP! Today, the fruit of that endeavor has come to life as Mr. Las Vegas Hypnotist Mr. Marshall Sylver is joining me on my show today! Many years ago our paths crossed when I was seeking help in resurrecting...
Nov 30, 2022
Some years back, after CA had undergone some of most horrendous natural and unnatural disasters, the local paper headline read, Fires, Floods, Earthquakes . . . What's Next? Enter MEC! Minimum Essential Coverage! Politicians LOVE using acrostics. Remember when it was Washington, DC or even NYC and so went the nation?...