Jan 18, 2022
Fragmented throughout Damanhur’s esoteric archive was a cohesive ancient history of humanity that is not reflected in the history books. Betsy’s mission was to reassemble this history into a mythological narrative that could be shared as a catalyst for the world. A physical StoryRoom was constructed. For a decade,...
Jan 11, 2022
There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass?they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. Unshackle your mind and...
Jan 04, 2022
The world is changing every moment. Are you having a hard time keeping up? Do you understand how these changes may be adding extra stress and confusion to your life? Create depth, reason, and purpose beyond your existing belief systems, supporting you as you explore new paradigms and create expanded ways of thinking...
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