Nov 25, 2020
Your Subconscious is Your Power We talk to ourselves all day long at the rate of 150-300 words per minute, or up to 50,000 thoughts per day. These thoughts condition the subconscious mind and become commands to be carried out by the subconscious. This process happens whether we realize it or not. But what if we could...
Nov 18, 2020
SIGNS OF SPIRIT The Purple Papers and the Stories Behind Them When a powerful spiritual presence directed Roland Comtois to write down the messages he receives from the other side, Roland decided to do just that … and the results have been astonishing. Signs of Spirit presents the heartwarming stories of people who...
Nov 04, 2020
Dr. Bernie Siegel broke new ground with his monumental book Love, Medicine and Miracles. Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction novel Three Men, Six Lives. A grand adventure born of Bernie's experience of his current and past...
11:11 Talk Radio offers rich, intimate and in-depth conversations