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May 27, 2020

The channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s. Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The...

May 20, 2020

Author and world-renowned Medium Hollister Rand answers some of the most common and prevalent questions about life after death in her upcoming release Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but Were Afraid to Ask. Hollister’s incredible insights—and her friendly candor and wit!—will leave you with...

May 13, 2020

Part 2 of 2 series with Robert Masters... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may...

May 06, 2020

Part 1 of 2 Powerful Episodes... When we uncover and work in-depth with our shadow, we free ourselves from its control and gain the opportunity to put its contents to work for us instead of allowing them to work against us. Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a...