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Jul 31, 2017

It’s clear that the unimaginable future that Rachel Carson warned us about in 1962 in her best-seller, Silent Spring, has become our daily reality. On a colossal and historic scale—from our water, air, and soil to the factory-grown food which no longer nourishes us—all is definitely not well on our planet, and...

Jul 24, 2017

Joan Borysenko wrote her latest book to teach you how to hold fear in the palm of your hand without being burned by its fire. 'Whatever maybe going on for is not the end of the world. It is a call to the genius that lies asleep within you - within all of us - a genius that is ready and able to re-create the world.'

Jul 17, 2017

The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words. The result of practicing the Fifth Agreement is the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness....

Jul 10, 2017

THE HOPE is a long-awaited compelling guide that helps people respond to current global challenges yet also serves as a much needed wake-up call to inspire action through Sacred Activism-the transforming force of wisdom, love and compassion-in-action to affect radical change in the world.

Jul 03, 2017

There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their personal preferences, their expectations as well as the nature of the relationship, be it between...