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Nov 22, 2024

In this episode of Finding Certainty, host Patrick Laing sits down with seasoned entrepreneur, business coach, and Profit Acceleration Specialist, Skip Nelson, to delve into the realities of building a business from the ground up. Together, they explore the challenges of entrepreneurship—the sacrifices, costs, long hours, and often sleepless nights that are all part of the journey. They also discuss the WHY: the dreams, rewards, and driving purpose that make it all worthwhile. The discussion highlights the critical role of understanding one's WHY. Why are you in business? Why is it worth it? Are you willing to persevere through the setbacks and challenges that will surely come? Skip reveals that money is rarely the sole motivator and emphasizes the importance of connecting with a deeper purpose. Patrick concurs and shares his own insights as the owner of three different companies, two domestic, and one international. Skip shares his invaluable insights on why so many business owners excel at their craft but so often struggle with the “business of business.” It's usually because, while they're good at what they do (dentistry, roofing, law, etc.). they aren't usually marketers, accountants, attorneys, SEO experts, or salespeople, etc. To succeed at business, we all need to do three main things: 1. Put in the effort, maintain a strong work ethic, and be willing to pay the price. 2. Surround themselves with a team of experts who excel in areas they don’t (this includes of course coaches, mentors, and other business experts like Patrick and Skip). 3. Commit to continuous growth, learning, improvement, and ongoing evolution. Tune in for an inspiring and practical conversation packed with advice and encouragement for entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. For more information on Patrick Laing, Finding Certainty, Certainty Management, or Certainty Global LLC, visit or call (888) 684-3122. To receive a free copy of Skip Nelson’s book, visit