Nov 20, 2019
Something I talk a lot about and people seem interested in is salary transparency and making that a less taboo topic. This is especially valuable for women in helping us close the wage gap and be paid for our work value. With this in mind, I also created the first free salary database that gives users access to all the salary data we collect and not just compare your currently salary to others. This is important because people change careers, transition, etc. and can use salary data for more than just asking for a raise. How to become a real estate investor without owning any property. Expanding on the area of the mind, body, spirit connection, I help people (primarily women and couples) understand more deeply how trauma and their past profoundly impacts their present in all three of those areas. And how those very same areas can be their path to finally powerfully healing and getting through the valleys in their life.
The Forbes Factor is YOUR formula for a Fun, Fit and Fabulous Life! Tune in for the latest in health, wealth & happiness with guest celebrities, experts, chefs, CEO’s, fitness stars and more. Unlock the secrets of balance, vitality, and exercise combined with a unique and inspired vision for creating wealth, both personally and professionally to experience ultimate happiness! A happy life is enjoying your physical and mental health, mixed with a wealthy mindset and the blueprints to implement them in the world of business and entrepreneurship. Forbes shares secrets to her own healthy lifestyle combined with wealth building techniques that have generated millions - not only for her, but those she coaches and mentors. This unique and exciting show offers tips, tricks, insights and secrets from Forbes and Friends to help you truly build the life you’ve always dreamed of! Tune in Wednesday at 11 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Variety.