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Dec 07, 2017

In this show, Dr. Gary Slutkin world known epidemiologist, senior advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) and founder of Cure Violence, the organization ranked 1st among organizations devoted to reducing violence, invites us to recognize Violence as a Contagious Disease. Dr. Slutkin shares his background of reversing contagious diseases like TB and Cholera in Somalia and the AIDS epidemic in over 25 countries in central and East Africa and Uganda. Drawing upon this knowledge, he describes that the study of violence reveals the same exposure, susceptibility, mutation and transmission patterns, as a contagious disease. He then describes the Cure Violence Method, a program working in over 60 communities in 25 cities in the U.S. and on five continents with dramatic results. As he describes, we may have different manifestations of violence from gun shootings to domestic violence; but all are part of the Violence Disease Syndrome, which we are showing can be cured.