Mar 17, 2016
After joyous beginnings, many couples find their dreams of perfect love replaced by frustration, criticism, defensiveness and emotional distance. In this episode, Arielle Ford, best-selling author of “The Soulmate Secret,” shares with us the wisdom of her new book, “Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate.” According to Arielle, “It’s one thing to fall in love and get married. It is quite another thing to have a marriage you love.” Getting to that space is the true purpose of “Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate.” In the back and forth with host, Suzanne Phillips, Arielle will discuss the tools techniques and actionable steps for listeners to move from “annoyed” to “enjoyed” i.e. to make a loving marriage possible again. She will draw upon hundreds of interviews and advice from marriage experts including Harville Hendrix and Marianne Williamson. This show will inform you and invite new thinking and feeling about your relationship.
Psych Up Live turns up your psychological perspective on life issues. With a wide variety of guests, Host Suzanne Phillips passes forward the latest in books, findings, and information relevant to your life and the world you live in. She explores topics as varied as family relationships, binge eating and violence on campus. In a conversational style, Suzanne and her guests translate the latest in psychology to exemplify ways of coping with child rearing, divorce, medical diagnosis, campus violence and social anxiety. She engages her guests with questions, often voicing her own thoughts or sharing related stories. What is particularly exciting about Psych Up Live is the opportunity for you to call in with your own stories, questions and opinions. Psych Up Live captures your attention as it considers life issues that will intrigue and inform you each Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time, 2PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.