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Oct 31, 2024

We witness world-wide devastation from War, Natural Disasters, Empidemics, Violence, Social and Racial Injustice. We are Victims, Bystanders and Responders often struggling to cope, wanting to help but not certain what to do or how to sustain. In this show you are going to hear of the steps taken by Gaea Logan, British-American psychoanalyst and Group therapist with a dream to train and support caregivers in Ukraine. She will be discussing the important the program she set up as the USA Executive Director of International Institute for Trauma Studies in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. What Gaea Logan offers is valuable for everyone to hear as she maintains that caregivers need to pass-forward the very skills and emotional survival strategies they use to keep on caring. She recognizes that when parents and caregivers have the means to remain calm in adversity, they are able to support their own and their child or patient’s nervous system. It is the benefit of co-regulation. It’s applicability is life-saving. Listen in -You will take away something important from this