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Oct 12, 2017

In this episode Dr. Andrea Brandt, psychologist and author draws upon her latest book, Mindful Aging: Embracing Your Life After 50 to Find Fulfillment, Purpose, and Joy, to refute the notion of aging as chronic deterioration and decline and invite us to be “ On top of the hill rather than over the hill!” Toward this end, she draws upon research and offers specific strategies for knowing ourselves better, accepting our passions and truths, letting go of regrets and making a plan for bringing our dreams to life. She discusses the use of realistic positivity and guides us through the use of emotional mindfulness. She challenges us to look back in our history for forgotten joys and offers inspiring examples and methods for replacing loss and rethinking limits. You will be as energized as you are inspired by her use of a mind-body-heart connection for well being at any age.