Oct 14, 2021
In this episode, Dr. Therese Huston draws upon her new book, Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower, and her experience speaking to academic audiences and businesses like Microsoft and Amazon to teach us how to give feedback, even negative feedback, in a way that turns it into a productive conversation. She considers why 80% of managers feel they are saying the right things; but less than 20% of employees feel appreciated. She asks why men are evaluated on work skills while women are often judged on their personality. Dr. Huston identifies and exemplifies the three types of feedback as Appreciation, Coaching and Evaluation and asks us to discern what an employee wants and needs. She discusses how and why to use praise and urges us to side with the employee rather than the problem. She reminds us that if people feel threatened their brains go into lockdown. Inherent in her message of what makes feedback powerful is the principle -“ Listen as if your job depends on it.”
Psych Up Live turns up your psychological perspective on life issues. With a wide variety of guests, Host Suzanne Phillips passes forward the latest in books, findings, and information relevant to your life and the world you live in. She explores topics as varied as family relationships, binge eating and violence on campus. In a conversational style, Suzanne and her guests translate the latest in psychology to exemplify ways of coping with child rearing, divorce, medical diagnosis, campus violence and social anxiety. She engages her guests with questions, often voicing her own thoughts or sharing related stories. What is particularly exciting about Psych Up Live is the opportunity for you to call in with your own stories, questions and opinions. Psych Up Live captures your attention as it considers life issues that will intrigue and inform you each Thursday at 11 AM Pacific Time, 2PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.