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Aug 15, 2019

Childhood and teen obesity has grown to epidemic proportions in the US. In this episode, Dr. Maidenberg draws upon her new book “Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health” to offer strategies that begin with the recognition of thoughts and feelings in overeating and draw upon, CBT, Mindfulness and Acceptance therapy to address overeating. Recognizing the dynamics of teens and kids, She exemplifies how to motivate youngsters and inform them by identifying emotional eating with acronyms like HALT-Happy, Angry, Anxious, Lonely or Tired) or using the Mindful Chip Exercise or Mind over Muffin technique to invite useful ways to create a space for mindful eating. She focuses on the importance of family changes and underscores the danger of stigmatizing the overeating child as the one with the problem. Throughout she offers a wealth of resources and tools that makes this an invaluable discussion for parents.